Current Events

Why I’m a dead man

How sad is it that I’m this excited about a book of history – polisci essays? How additionally sad is it that I’m trembling in terror over my girlfriend’s reaction that I just spent $40 on a whim? Regardless, I’m…

Zimbabwe is not about Mugabe

That the western press is unanimous in it’s explanation of the crash and burn which is 2000’s Zimbabwe should give you pause. Mahmood Mamdani, Africanist and Anthropologist at Columbia, and author of 1996’s Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the…

SNCF Arrests (update 4)

The latest news on the Tarnac arestees. Four of the nine are released under the equivilent of bail, but still face possible charges. They were held four four days of interogations, though the police still don’t seem to have any direct evidence against any of them. Five (which the predictably frantic Le Figaro calls “The Hard Core” of situationalist students) remain in jail awaiting trial.